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Benefits of DEVVISION

DEVVISION, a distinguished staffing and IT firm, delivers payroll savings and full transparency without hidden fees. It offers tailored team configurations to meet diverse needs, leveraging its Central European location to provide extended U.S. business hours and a highly skilled, motivated workforce. With real-time communication and comprehensive HR management, DEVVISION boosts productivity and profitability. The company supports KPIs, OKRs, and bonus schemes, ensuring productivity and a positive environment through regular accountability reports. DEVVISION is the go-to for efficient, scalable staffing and IT solutions with added benefits for business growth.

Стопки монет

Guaranteed substantial savings on payroll


Complete transparency - No hidden or hourly fees

Команда High Five

Customizable team size or organizational structure; specializing in one or multiple positions and skill sets.


Increase your productive time during normal USA business hours with the ability to start earlier and finish later.

Человек, несущий коробку

Reduction of employee turnover rate

Старый глобус

Location in Central European Time Zone


Highly skilled, motivated and productive employees.


Ability to connect with your team in real time, during your normal business hours, instead of having to wait 24 hours to receive a response from overseas.

Соискательница на собеседовании

Less time spent on transactional HR functions. We handle all HR.

Анализируя данные

Increased productivity and profitability


Experienced professionals to help build new or implement current KPI, ORK, bonus schemes, reports, as well as process and documentation.

Финансовый отчет

Full accountability with reports and evaluations provided to ensure on track productivity and great working environment.

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Plus, you and your Team will be able exploit our Services and save even more.

Start now with DEVVISION

We look forward to exceeding your expectations. 

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